Our Story
“We talked about random things,” my wife says, opening up a deep place in her heart.
“You know, things like what should we have for dinner or what’s on the news.” She looks up at me, suddenly more aware of my presence there in the room. “Maybe your story is different, but growing up I wasn’t empowered to express my feelings. I had so much buried in my heart.” She pauses. “Writing was actually easier.”
“I wish I had had a place to communicate.”
Special occasions are so significant, but finding just the right gift isn’t easy. I hope that STAY FINE can provide you some meaningful, intentional, and memorable gift options.
If my season of life in Highline Park, New York, helped to inspire the creation of STAY FINE, then this conversation with Michelle inspired the decision to personalize our products.
My wife and I are passionate about intimate relationships and wholesome lifestyles and relationships. There’s something special about sitting down to craft a sweet little note to one of our beloved ones, not to mention receiving such a heartfelt message. Whether it be letters or greeting cards, many of my family members, including myself, collect and save every one of these tangible memories as true treasures .
As a faith-based family business, we want to be more than just a business. We’re excited to bring strength and empowerment to our customers’ relationships by delivering outstanding personalized gifts, hopefully with outstanding customer service as well. But we’ll let you be the judge. :)

Last year, 2020, Stay Fine invested 10% of our profit into a movie production promoting sexual wholeness and healing. Although the movie’s progress has been slowed down due to Covid-19, we believe our seed will grow.
We also strive to treat our staff with exceptional appreciation, providing higher than marketplace pay and benefits.
Your orders enable us to do all of this.
Thank you so much for your continued support!!
Lastly, here’re some books (not sponsored) that help me and my wife on this beautiful journey. I hope you’d enjoy as much as we do!
♕UNWANTED - Jay Stringer
♕ THE ROAD BACK TO YOU - Ian Morgan Cron
♕INTIMACY & DESIRE - Dr. David Schnarch
Paul- Founder of Stay Fine